I've gone Blogital
Get it? Blog-ital, like digital? HA! So funny.
Welcome to my first post as a blogger. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing but I'm still going to subject you to whatever I throw out there. Unless no one is actually reading this, in which case I might as well be writing on my WaMu receipts and shoving them through the cracks in my floor in the hopes that they are discovered years from now as proof that humans wrote on paper, and then they'll be put on display in the Blogital Museum of Awesomeness.
See, no idea what I'm doing/talking about. Read on, or not. Whatevs.
In this blog, I will aim to express my thoughts about my job, your job, other peoples' jobs, the jobs I want, the jobs no one wants, Steve Jobs, stuff not about jobs, you, this city, this city being New York, this city being whichever one I'm currently in, etc. You get the point. Even if you don't, I will be okay.
I hope this is the first post of many. Unless I get way too lazy to update this and then it falls to the wayside like my cajillion other blogs. Here's to hoping! Or here's to miraculous bursts of good blogging. I don't even know what that means.
Welcome to my first post as a blogger. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing but I'm still going to subject you to whatever I throw out there. Unless no one is actually reading this, in which case I might as well be writing on my WaMu receipts and shoving them through the cracks in my floor in the hopes that they are discovered years from now as proof that humans wrote on paper, and then they'll be put on display in the Blogital Museum of Awesomeness.
See, no idea what I'm doing/talking about. Read on, or not. Whatevs.
In this blog, I will aim to express my thoughts about my job, your job, other peoples' jobs, the jobs I want, the jobs no one wants, Steve Jobs, stuff not about jobs, you, this city, this city being New York, this city being whichever one I'm currently in, etc. You get the point. Even if you don't, I will be okay.
I hope this is the first post of many. Unless I get way too lazy to update this and then it falls to the wayside like my cajillion other blogs. Here's to hoping! Or here's to miraculous bursts of good blogging. I don't even know what that means.
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