Friday, July 14, 2006

An open letter to my blog

Blog, you are tiring me out. I know, I know, there have only been two posts. But when I think of you, sitting here by yourself with no one to look at you, the immense pressure of bringing you up right starts to get to me, so that I just don't even want to deal with it anymore. It would be nice if you tried contributing a little bit to this relationship, or at least learning how to make yourself appear a little snazzier.

I have a feeling we'll have more to discuss after this weekend as I am 1) picking up a table I got on Craigslist on the UWS and bringing it to the East Village on the subway, and it appears to weigh roughly 7.2 tons 2) going to an extravaganza-sized party with every single person I know (almost, Don Rickles can't make it, something about a "prior commitment." Whatever, Don, you're dead to me [oh, shit, he's not dead, is he? {nope, says IMDB -- whew!}]) and 3) playing frisbee in the park on Sunday during high-sun hours. That last one might result in me being too burned to type, translucent-skinned as I am, but I'm sure I can learn to type with my teeth.

In closing, don't worry blog, I will try not to disappoint you, if you try not to be so helplessly lazy.

Love, xoxo, puppies and sunshiney rainbows,



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