Sometimes I forget why I wanted to get into the business of journalism/media. All the petty criticisms, the fight to get the story that will establish you as a writer of some repute, the word- and society-wrangling to get a leg up. I get sick of reading about everyone who's better than me, everyone who's worse, and yet I still continue to pay attention to it all. I get sick of every news outlet, the NYT (of course), blogs, dailies, weeklies, monthlies, even though I rely on them to check-in with the world. A world that is constantly disappointing me and worrying me and making me lose my faith in humanity and making me think we are one oil drum away from destroying the world with global warming, greed and war.
And then there are articles like this one:
"All the News That Fits: Liberia's Blackboard Headlines"
with passages like this: "Sometimes he adds an editorial — a thundering denunciation of corruption, or a plea for Liberians to be kinder to one another. When the president called for a day of national repentance before the Independence Day celebration, Mr. Sirleaf wrote, 'Say sorry for your evil deeds to someone that you hurt yesterday for peace sake.' "
Jesus H. Christ, if we could just say sorry to someone for peace sake...
P.S. Since this has so far, been a less-than-serious blog, I apologize for waxing all Woe is the World on whomever might be reading this. Sometimes I am overcome by feelings of sickly sentimentality. I should be cured by Monday, after a weekend of hedonism and evildoing.