Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dr. Xenalover McDouchebag and the latest attack on Pluto

My invisible friends. I know it has been awhile, but the wireless internet we were guiltlessly ganking off of an unknown neighbor has disappeared, allowing me to only post while at my life-sucking job. Who can think of a post while the cubicle walls still stand? I digress.

Today I would like to express my hearty disapproval in the further mishandling of the case of my favorite former planet, Pluto. Please take a moment to read this article, from today's NYT:
A Dwarf Planet is Named: Eris

First of all. This wackass scientist has repeatedly insisted upon using his utterly predictable dorklove for Xena: Warrior Princess to slap lame names on celestial bodies. Who is this guy, that he was given the go ahead to trot around calling scientific phenomena Xena and Gabrielle, while poor Pluto goes from a happy yellow puppy to 1340340? A number people, a fucking number. So what if he discovered that rocky ice ball? I discovered today that I severely dislike his name choices, and do I go around labeling him Xenalover McDouchebag? No, because I have class, and have only seen one episode of Xena and so I can't really judge.

Second. Okay Dr. Xenalover McDouchebag, Eris is a good name. I used it as part of my screenname on Prodigy when I was 10 and trying to trap pedophiles. Geeky ones. Don't ask me why I did that, it's another story and wholly hilarious and wholesome and in no way creepy. Anyway, I digress. Again. "Eris is only slightly bigger than Pluto," they say. And so why does she get a name and not a number? Sexism! That's what it is. The feminists are getting back at Pluto.

I don't really believe that. I mean, the feminists are way too busy being crazy to focus on Pluto. Not that I don't like feminists, I mean, I'm female and I like myself. This whole Pluto debacle has just made me crazy mad!

Anyway like I said, it's tough to post anything worthwhile at work, and that is why you had to suffer through the above ridiculousness. Now please write to your local politicians and demand that Dr. XenaloverohIlovehersosomuch McDouchebag not be allowed to go around labeling things so dorkily anymore.


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